Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Durable lipstick

For lipstick pigments to stick perfectly to your lips, your best option is to use a lipbrush. If you use it in perpendicular to your mouth, and press it against your lips, you will make the color to stay a lot more time than usual without reaplying. Try it!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Forehead with no wrinckles

Here's an easy exercise made to avoid the aparence of wrinkles (that mortal enemy of beauty): simply apply pressure at the zone just beneath your eyebrows with your index fingers, lifting them. Do this 10 times a day, this way your facial muscles will harden, and that will prevent wrinckles from appearing.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Frail hair

Is your hair frail? If thats the case, first you have to take into account how you brush your hair: try not to brush it abruptly and use a suitable comb or brush.

If the problem comes from the inside, start using more olive oil on your green salad, melon, nuts and seafood. You'll notice that your hair grows stronger every day.