Wednesday 13 November 2013

Beauty from the inside (part 2)

Did yoy Know that eatung foods with Omega 3 will hidrate our skin from the inside, not only benefiting our face and neck, but our hands, nails and hair.

By eating some of the following we will soon notice a fifference not only in our skin, but our nail will be stongera and our hair will be shinier:

  • Oily fish: Mackerel, trout, sardines, salmon, tuna
  • Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts, brazil nuts
  • Seeds: Lin seeds and sesame seeds.
  • Olive oil
  •  Green leef vegetables: Spinach, brocoli, coliflower.
  • Egg yolk 
  • Advocado

Take advantage of tinned oily fish, with salad in brown bread makes a very healthy tasty sandwich.

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